[y, fs] = audioread('Alarm08.wav');
soundsc(y, fs);
subplot(2, 1, 1);
plot(y, 'b-');
grid on;
message = sprintf('Do you want to Set to FFT mode ?');
reply = questdlg(message, 'Toolbox missing', 'Yes', 'No', 'Yes');
if strcmpi(reply, 'No')
% User said No, so exit.
lengthOfData = length(y);
nextPowerOfTwo = 2 ^ nextpow2(lengthOfData); % next closest power of 2 to the length
plotScaleFactor = 4;
plotRange = nextPowerOfTwo / 2; % Plot is symmetric about n/2
plotRange = floor(plotRange / plotScaleFactor);
yDFT = fft(y, nextPowerOfTwo); % Discrete Fourier Transform of data
h = yDFT(1:plotRange);
abs_h = abs(h);
freqRange = (0:nextPowerOfTwo-1) * (fs / nextPowerOfTwo); % Frequency range
gfreq = freqRange(1:plotRange); % Only plotting upto n/2 (as other half is the mirror image)
subplot(2, 1, 2);
plot(abs_h, 'b-');
grid on;
soundsc(abs_h, gfreq);
d = daq.getDevices
% index Vendor Device ID Description
% ----- ----------- --------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
% 1 directsound Audio0 DirectSound Primary Sound Capture Driver
% 2 directsound Audio1 DirectSound Microphone (High Definition Audio Device)
% 3 directsound Audio2 DirectSound HP 4120 Microphone (2- HP 4120)
% 4 directsound Audio3 DirectSound Microphone (Plantronics .Audio 400 DSP)
% 5 directsound Audio4 DirectSound Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device)
% 6 directsound Audio5 DirectSound Primary Sound Driver
% 7 directsound Audio6 DirectSound Speakers (Plantronics .Audio 400 DSP)
% 8 directsound Audio7 DirectSound HP 4120 (2- HP 4120)
% 9 directsound Audio8 DirectSound Speakers (High Definition Audio Device):1
% 10 directsound Audio9 DirectSound Speakers (High Definition Audio Device):2
%misalkan di laptop kita terdeteksi no 2: 2 directsound Audio1 DirectSound Microphone (High Definition Audio Device)
dev = d(2)
s = daq.createSession('directsound');
addAudioInputChannel(s, dev.ID, 1:2);
s.IsContinuous = true
load chirp.mat;
sound(y, Fs);
hf = figure;
hp = plot(zeros(1000,1));
T = title('Discrete FFT Plot');
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
grid on;
continuous_fft(y, Fs, hf)
plotFFT = @(src, event) continuous_fft(event.Data, src.Rate, hp);
hl = addlistener(s, 'DataAvailable', plotFFT);
s.IsContinuous = false;
function continuous_fft(data, Fs, plotHandle)
lengthOfData = length(data);
nextPowerOfTwo = 2 ^ nextpow2(lengthOfData); % next closest power of 2 to the length
plotScaleFactor = 4;
plotRange = nextPowerOfTwo / 2; % Plot is symmetric about n/2
plotRange = floor(plotRange / plotScaleFactor);
yDFT = fft(data, nextPowerOfTwo); % Discrete Fourier Transform of data
h = yDFT(1:plotRange);
abs_h = abs(h);
freqRange = (0:nextPowerOfTwo-1) * (Fs / nextPowerOfTwo); % Frequency range
gfreq = freqRange(1:plotRange); % Only plotting upto n/2 (as other half is the mirror image)
% whos abs_h
% whos gfreq
set(plotHandle, 'ydata', abs_h, 'xdata', gfreq); % Updating the plot
drawnow; % Update the plot
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